
Hello and welcome to my website! I'm auki19. This is where I like to agglomerate my various projects and hobbies into one big congealed & lovely mess. I'm mostly gonna use this to catalogue my interests. I wasn't old enough to be on the internet back in its early days, but I've grown to love the creativity that comes with custom websites. If you know me irl no you don't.

Interests (hyperfixations)

  • Music - Mostly folk/singer-songwriter, alt-rock, and a little punk
  • Playing piano & guitar
  • The Magnus Archives/Protocol - check out my FR3-d1 console fan project!
  • Undertale & Deltarune
  • Minecraft



  • Added some albums to music page
  • A little polishing


  • Separated music page into an albums page and a songs page (songs page still WIP)
  • Added links to bandcamp on album covers
  • Updated welcome blurb
  • Dark mode bugfixes
  • Hopefully made light mode a little more readable


  • Added dark theme
  • Added and rated more albums on music page
  • Collapsing "Thoughts" sections on music page for less scrolling
  • Added blinkies above
  • Updated about page


  • Added background change button
  • Added and rated more albums on music page
  • Added blur effect on containers against background
  • Updated about page

Hello World!


Find Me Elsewhere


🎵 Now Playing

Helplessness Blues
Fleet Foxes

Current Book

House of Leaves
Mark Z. Danielewski