My Album Catalogue

Click on a table header to sort by that category. Keep in mind I'm not a music critic by any means, I just like talking about things I enjoy. Because that's the case the vast majority of my ratings/reviews here are going to be positive.

Art Album Artist Year Rating Thoughts Owned on
Tidal Fiona Apple 1996 8.5/10
An astounding debut album from one of the greatest artists of all time IMO. It's unbelievable to me that she released such a classic at only 18 years old, already having mastered songwriting with a level of depth and maturity that most don't reach at all within their lifetimes.
Favorite Tracks: Shadowboxer, Slow Like Honey, The Child Is Gone
When The Pawn... Fiona Apple 1999 10/10
One of my favorites of all time for sure. Every song on this album hits so incredibly hard one way or another. Fiona's songwriting, vocals, and piano playing are all flawless as always, and Jon Brion's theatrical production elevates it to a legendary album that I constantly find myself coming back to.
Favorite Tracks: All of them
Extraordinary Machine Fiona Apple 2005 8/10
A very solid and extraordinarily fun album. Not much to say about it. The individual tracks are all awesome on their own, but looking at the album as a whole it feels a little bit lacking in comparison with her previous album, hence the docking of a couple points.
Favorite Tracks: Extraordinary Machine, Get Him Back, Better Version of Me, Tymps, Oh Well, Not About Love, Waltz (Better Than Fine)
The Idler Wheel... Fiona Apple 2012 9/10
This album marks a shift in Fiona's discography from bold heavy-hitting theatrics to more stripped-back and percussive tracks with a much larger focus on songwriting. The lack of theatrical production does nothing to impact the intensity conveyed by the album (although I do miss the fun of it somewhat!)--her songwriting and vocal performances have evolved to the point that she simply doesn't need it anymore.
Favorite Tracks: Every Single Night, Daredevil, Jonathan, Left Alone, Anything We Want, Hot Knife, Largo
Fetch The Bolt Cutters Fiona Apple 2020 9/10
A wonderfully experimental album that builds off the direction Fiona went in with The Idler Wheel. Many of the songs on this album don't feature piano at all, unlike her previous albums, but rather focus on unconventional percussion and vocals. It took a bit to get used to, but it really grew on me and I'd consider it one of Fiona's best.
Favorite Tracks: I Want You To Love Me, Shameika, Relay, Rack of His, Newspaper, Ladies, Cosmonauts, On I Go
Masterpiece Big Thief 2016 7.5/10
A strong debut indie rock album. Adrianne's beautiful songwriting and knack for catchy melodies make Masterpiece a great listen. "Vegas" is boring to me, and "Interstate" & "Parallels" feel a bit underdeveloped, but otherwise it's a very enjoyable album.
Favorite Tracks: Masterpiece, Real Love, Paul, Humans, Randy
Capacity Big Thief 2017 7.5/10
A very good follow-up to their debut. The instrumentals are much less heavy on this one, with more ethereal vocals set over smooth guitar tones and relaxed percussion. I still find a few tracks like "Coma" and "Black Diamonds" a little underdeveloped, but it's overall a very pretty-sounding album that clicks together with Adrianne's songwriting nicely.
Favorite Tracks: Shark Smile, Watering, Great White Shark, Objects, Haley
U.F.O.F. Big Thief 2019 8/10
A beautifully produced indie folk album with light vocals and celestial guitar instrumentation. Adrianne's songwriting takes a more abstract direction, with beautiful and oftentimes harrowingly evocative imagery. The track "Jenni" is somewhat repetitive and doesn't fit very well on the album, but everything else about it is magical.
Favorite Tracks: UFOF, Cattails, Open Desert, Orange, Century, Magic Dealer
Two Hands Big Thief 2019 8/10
A more grounded and acoustic sister album to UFOF. I was initially put off by the sort-of unconventional vocals and production of "The Toy", "Those Girls", and "Cut My Hair", but I grew to enjoy it. The album as a whole is a very nice listen.
Favorite Tracks: Forgotten Eyes, Two Hands, Shoulders, Not, Replaced
Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You Big Thief 2022 10/10
My favorite folk album ever. Big Thief draws influences from country, bluegrass, Americana, and even trip-hop, trap, shoegaze, and psychadelic music throughout this sprawling 20-track album alongside some of the most beautifully human songwriting I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Adrianne's airy and playful vocals carry you through the tracklist so entrancingly. It's silly, heartbreaking, ethereal, intimate, strange, and filled to the brim with pure joy.
Favorite Tracks: Time Escaping, Spud Infinity, Certainty, Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You, Sparrow, Blurred View, Red Moon, No Reason, Simulation Swarm, Love Love Love, Blue Lightning
Hours Were the Birds Adrianne Lenker 2014 7/10 Digital
a-sides and besides Adrianne Lenker 2014 7/10 Digital
abysskiss Adrianne Lenker 2018 6/10
i'm conflicted about this one. adrianne's songwriting is nice, but the album as a whole feels more like a very-polished collection of demos than a set of complete songs. i might have to give it a few more tries.
favorite tracks: cradle, symbol, blue and red horses
songs Adrianne Lenker 2020 9.5/10
mwah mwah mwah beautiful. i don't really know what to say about this album other than that it feels both completely otherworldly/angelic and incredibly intimate/familiar. the lyrics and instrumentation are so evocative in a way i can't put into words.
favorite tracks: two reverse, ingydar, anything, forwards beckon rebound, heavy focus, dragon eyes
i won't let go of your hand Adrianne Lenker 2024 7.5/10
a beautiful set of voice-memo demos. this album is only available thru purchase on Bandcamp, and the proceeds go to the PCRF so I really encourage buying it.
favorite tracks: the music, fangs lungs ankles, i won't let go of your hand, someone to
Bright Future Adrianne Lenker 2024 9/10
Adrianne is a legendary songwriter and lyricist, and this album makes that abundantly clear. While her previous studio album songs was much more atmospheric and abstract, Bright Future is direct and soul-baring in its lyrics. I personally prefer the previous album's style, but Bright Future is still a wonderful set of songs.
Favorite Tracks: Sadness as a Gift, Fool, Free Treasure (the most beautiful love song I've ever heard), Evol, Already Lost, Donut Seam, Once a Bunch
the first glass beach album glass beach 2019 7.5/10
a bit inconsistent at times, but very ambitious and fun. if jeff rosenstock was a gay indietronica artist basically
favorite tracks: classic j dies and goes to hell part 1, bedroom community, bone skull, glass beach, yoshi's island, orchids
plastic death glass beach 2024 8.5/10 Digital
LUSH Mitski 2012 7/10 Digital
Retired from Sad, New Career in Business Mitski 2013 7/10 Digital
Bury Me At Makeout Creek Mitski 2014 8.5/10 Digital
Puberty 2 Mitski 2016 8/10 Digital
Be The Cowboy Mitski 2018 8/10 Vinyl
Laurel Hell Mitski 2022 7/10 Vinyl
The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We Mitski 2023 8.5/10 Vinyl
Diamond Jubilee Cindy Lee 2024 8.5/10 Digital
Everything Is A Lot Will Wood And The Tapeworms 2015 7.5/10
Will is genuinely an incredible lyricist and piano player and I think that shines through the most in this album, with it's generally-more-stripped-back approach in comparison with his others. In my opinion Will doesn't do theatricality as well as other comparable artists (BCNR, Fiona Apple, Tom Waits, etc) because he leans too much into a pop direction with his songwriting. His more mellow singer-songwriter piano driven tracks here are so beautifully done, and I wish that was the direction he took moving out of his debut. Some of the theatrical ones are still very fun though.
Favorite Tracks: 6up 5oh Cop-Out; Skeleton Appreciation Day; Aikido (Neurotic / Erotic); White Knuckle Jerk; Red Moon; Lysergide Daydream; Jimmy Mushrooms' Last Drink
SELF-iSH Will Wood And The Tapeworms 2016 6.5/10 Digital
The Normal Album Will Wood 2020 7/10 Vinyl
"In case I make it," Will Wood 2022 7/10
I've always loved Will's more mellow songs, and this album has some of his best. But there are a few too many tracks that feel like filler (BFB's, You Liked This) or just self-indulgently ironic/insincere (Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll; The Main Character (as much as I like the song)) to rank it as high as EIAL.
Favorite Tracks: Tomcat Disposables; Euthanasia; Falling Up; That's Enough, Let's Get You Home; Um, It's Kind Of A Lot; Against The Kitchen Floor
For the first time Black Country, New Road 2021 9/10
An endlessly inventive and unique post-punk album. Isaac Wood's vocal delivery is sooo fucking good, and the instrumentals create such a tense atmosphere at times that the releases hit harder than probably anything from any other album I've ever heard before. At its high points this album has some of my favorite songs of all time. I'd love to give it a higher score, but I find "Instrumental" a tiny bit repetitive and "Track X" relatively bland, and with only 6 tracks on the album that makes up a decent fraction of its runtime.
Favorite Tracks: Sunglasses, Opus
Ants From Up There Black Country, New Road 2022 9/10 Digital
Live At Bush Hall Black Country, New Road 2023 8/10 Vinyl
OK Computer Radiohead 1997 10/10
What hasn't already been said about this album? If you've never listened to it before do that. Probably everyone should.
Favorite Tracks: Airbag, Paranoid Android, Subterranean Homesick Alien, Let Down, Electioneering, No Surprises
In Rainbows Radiohead 2007 9/10 Digital
Magnolia Electric Co. Songs: Ohia 2003 9.5/10
An almost-perfect country album. Jason Molina's voice is so expressive and unique and it matches the really solid feel to the instrumentals. It feels so heavy yet restrained in a way that perfectly reflects Molina's hard-hitting wistful lyricism. Everything from the production to the writing feels decades ahead of its time. I do find Peoria Lunch Box Blues a little unnecessary in the context of the rest of the album, but I still enjoy it.
Favorite Tracks: Farewell Transmission, I've Been Riding With the Ghost, Just Be Simple, The Old Black Hen, John Henry Split My Heart, Hold On Magnolia, Whip-Poor-Will
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea Neutral Milk Hotel 1998 9/10
I have nothing to say about this album that hasn't already been said before by countless people. My only complaint is with the song "Oh Comely", which in my opinion really overstays its welcome and, especially for a track with such a lyrical focus, has pretty gross-sounding lyrics that kind of take me out of it (I don't wanna hear about anyone's ovaries "milking"). Without it the album would be a 10 for me.
Favorite Tracks: The King of Carrot Flowers Pts. 1-3; In the Aeroplane Over the Sea; Two Headed Boy; Holland, 1945; Communist Daughter; Ghost; [untitled]; Two Headed Boy Pt. Two
Twice Around the Sun Ugly 2024 7.5/10
I'm amazed this band isn't more popular than they are. I understand why maybe some of their more proggy experimental stuff may not get much mainstream appeal, but "Sha" off this album is one of the best pop songs I've heard in my life. I don't really know what to say about this album other than that it's a super captivating experience that I really recommend. I only give it a 7.5 because I just personally dislike the closing track "I'm Happy You're Here" and it takes up almost a fourth of the runtime. Every other track on this thing is soooo good.
Favorite Tracks: The Wheel, Sha, Icy Windy Sky, Shepherd's Carol
Helplessness Blues Fleet Foxes 2011 9/10 Vinyl
Hotel La Rut Joanna Wang 2024 7.5/10 Digital
Blue Joni Mitchell 1975 8.5/10 Digital
Hejira Joni Mitchell 1976 9/10 Digital
Twin Fantasy (Face to Face) Car Seat Headrest 2018 9/10 Digital
Grace Jeff Buckley 1994 --/10 Digital
Spiderland Slint 1991 --/10 --
A Love Supreme John Coltrane 1965 10/10 Digital
A Moon Shaped Pool Radiohead 2016 9/10
Beautiful ambient pop, and a great direction for the band for what is probably the last Radiohead album. Thom's vocal delivery is a little uncharacteristically bland at some points on the record, but there isn't much on this album that isn't perfect.
Favorite Tracks: Burn the Witch, Daydreaming, Decks Dark, Desert Island Disk, Glass Eyes, The Numbers, Present Tense
Slanted & Enchanted Pavement 1992 --/10 Digital